5 Discreet Survival Items You Can Take Almost Anywhere
Sometimes it’s imperative not to look like a prepper or survival-minded person. Especially in this day and age, when people are jittery, you may not want to go around with items that could make you seem suspicious. Gray is the new black. Four of these items can be taken anywhere, even through metal detectors and on planes. The fifth is dependent upon where you’re headed. Read More.
Learning to Fix Your Own Equipment: Where Should You Start?
Survivalists must become self-sufficient in every way possible. That means knowing how to tackle any problem presented to you. If you live off the grid, you might not have somebody nearby to help. These situations require hands-on knowledge to get the job done. Read More.
How to Make Chicory Coffee: A Simple Guide to A Tasty Alternative to Coffee
For several years, I’ve noticed a beautiful blue wildflower lining the road during the summer. It starts out looking like a weed, but when it blooms, the flower is the color of a Tanzanite gemstone. I had no idea this simple, common weed could be used to make chicory coffee. Read More.
How to Save Money in a Recession
You don’t need an economics degree to realize that the United States economy is quickly approaching its next recession. The warning signs and economic indicators are everywhere. Some say the handwriting is already on the wall, but most people still refuse to see it. At this point, it’s no longer a matter of if, but when. And who’s to say how bad it will be this time around? Read More.
The Top 10 Medicinal Herbs to Stockpile for SHTF: A Prepper’s Guide to Natural Remedies
As a prepper, it’s essential to be ready for any emergency, and part of that preparedness is having a solid plan for addressing potential health issues. In a SHTF scenario, access to medical care and pharmaceuticals might become limited or nonexistent, so knowing how to use natural remedies could prove invaluable. Read More.
How to Use a Signal Mirror for Maximum Visibility
One of the most critical skills to master in a survival situation is signaling for rescue. Whether you’re stranded in the wilderness or lost at sea, the ability to signal your location can make the difference between life and death. And when it comes to signaling, you need to know how to use a signal mirror. Read More.
Freeze-Dried Dog Treats (Pink Salmon)
When I was at the vet’s office last month, she mentioned how she likes to feed her dogs freeze-dried dog treats, and I thought that was a brilliant idea! So, while I was at Sam’s Club the other day, I picked up three packages of pink salmon (a total of six pounds) for $41.94 Read More.
Wild Boars: Are they Dangerous?
A growing concern in the United States, Europe and elsewhere in the world, wild boars are a known menace on farms and other agricultural installations. They cause untold damage, and have resulted in the collapse of a local ecosystems. They eat a ton, root up all kinds of plants, reproduce quickly and have basically no natural predators. Read More.
Did You Know That U.S. Crops Are Being Absolutely Devastated By Nightmarish Disasters From Coast To Coast?
Severe drought is crippling winter wheat production in the middle of the country, agricultural production in many areas of California is being hit extremely hard by unprecedented flooding, and orange production in Florida is down more than 60 percent from last season due to a combination of factors. Read More.
The 10 Best Laptop Bags for Everyday Carry
Considering what you’ll carry as part of your EDC complement, it is easy to examine the problem in a vacuum, devoid of any context. Wouldn’t it be nice to carry all of the tools, weapons and other assorted gear you need with you, day in, and day out without any care or worry paid to the actual business of life, whatever life looks like for you? Read More.
While Everyone’s Distracted, the Dollar Is Dying
The circus surrounding the arrest of former President Donald Trump may have been a perfectly timed distraction. Not only are our banks still in a state of collapse despite a brief government-funded reprieve. Not only is the advent CBDCs looming over us. The world is rapidly dumping the dollar, and that’s a next-level economic disaster. This article contains several videos with in-depth information about what you need to know. Read More.
The Dollar Is In Trouble! Here Are 7 Signs That Global De-Dollarization Has Just Shifted Into Overdrive
For decades, the U.S. dollar was the undisputed king of global currencies, but now dramatic changes are happening. China, Russia, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and other nations are making really big moves which will enable them to become much less dependent on the U.S. dollar in the years ahead. Read More.
Can You Eat Raw Wild Onion to Survive? Is it Safe?
When you are in a survival situation, be it a short-term or a long-term one, you might not have much say so about what you eat. If you’re in a major hurry, lack resources or just have really bad luck, you might not even have time to cook your food. Read More.
Best Solar Generator for 2023
Occasionally, someone emails me asking what’s the best solar generator? Or, should I buy a solar generator? Personally, I’m not a huge fan of them because, although useful in some cases, I prefer a DIY approach to save money and, well, I just like to tinker. Read More.
Can You Eat Raw Wild Garlic to Survive? Is it Safe?
When you’re in a real survival situation, your best-laid plans might come to nothing. You might run out of food, lose your food supply or just be forced to eat things that you wouldn’t normally eat. You might not even be able to cook your food! Read More.

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