The 10 Best Laptop Bags for Everyday Carry

Considering what you’ll carry as part of your EDC complement, it is easy to examine the problem in a vacuum, devoid of any context.

Wouldn’t it be nice to carry all of the tools, weapons and other assorted gear you need with you, day in, and day out without any care or worry paid to the actual business of life, whatever life looks like for you?

Jobs. School. Parental responsibilities. All of these things and more besides make up the majority of our waking hours. All of these things require supplies and tools of their own.

Carrying all of that necessary gear plus the just in case survival or contingency items we should have honest, or would like to have on us, sees us walking around like junk sale traps and that draws attention that you really want to avoid.

The solution, for many, is to seamlessly integrate your EDC load-carrying solution with the luggage and other items you need to get through your day-to-day life. In one form or another, that means you are likely toting a laptop.

If that describes you, we are here in the nick of time with our picks for the best laptop bags you can get that will also handily haul your other EDC survival gear.

laptop bag by is licensed under flickr

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