Can You Eat Raw Wild Garlic to Survive? Is it Safe?

When you’re in a real survival situation, your best-laid plans might come to nothing. You might run out of food, lose your food supply or just be forced to eat things that you wouldn’t normally eat. You might not even be able to cook your food!

People can eat a lot of things raw, but not everything, and eating certain things raw or eating too much of them might cause new problems.

Let’s look at wild garlic, for instance. Can you safely eat raw wild garlic to survive?

Wild garlic is a well-known veggie among outdoorsmen, survivalists, and other folks that spend a lot of time in deep country, but it also has a dedicated following among urban and suburban gardeners who use it in the same way that you would grocery store garlic, but appreciate its milder flavor.

It definitely has a place in your survival food plan, but there’s a lot more you’ll need to know, especially as it concerns potentially deadly plants that look nearly identical. I’ll tell you everything you need to know down below.

Garlic by ukgardenphotos is licensed under flickr

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