Grey Water: Definition, Uses, Laws, Systems and Treatment Methods
Reusing greywater is one of the best things you can do to reduce water demands and become more sustainable and self-sufficient, especially if you want to live off-grid. Read More.
8 Considerations for Long-Term Camping
When most people think of camping, they picture pitching a tent for a weekend and heading back home after a few days. Short-term camping is a great way to get out into the wilderness and away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life for a few days, but what if you don’t have the option to return home? Read More.
How To Find Preppers In Your Area
For preppers trying to form a prepper group for mutual support when SHTF hits, finding like-minded individuals with whom you could start building a local network of preppers can be challenging. Read More.
5 Ways to Catch Fish Without a Fishing Pole
If you’re at all interested in survivalism, prepping, or primitive living, you’ve likely spent a lot of time considering how to get food for yourself in the wilderness without complex equipment or techniques. Read More.
Tertiary Prepper Skills – Metal Detecting
There are many skills that can enhance our chances of survival – some obvious like advanced life-saving techniques. Some are not as obvious at first glance but could prove invaluable in the right circumstances. Today’s guest post discusses the subject of metal detecting and illustrates the value of this skill in your long-term plans. Read More.
What To Do If Martial Law Is Declared: Survival Tactics Explained
When Martial Law is declared, the military justice system is activated with all its harsh, one-sided administrative procedures. This situation automatically suspends some of your esteemed privileges. Read More.
Medical Kit Visual Guide: Choosing the Right Kit for You
It might be a difficult first question to face, as emergencies don’t warn you before they arrive and they certainly don’t tell you what the damage will be. However, it’s important to break medical kits up into two camps in your head, major and minor injuries. Read More.
Practice And Learn- What I Learned from Preparing Augason Farm Food
Planning for the winter ahead included, stocking up the extra freezer I had in the basement with half of a beef from the local butcher. Furnishing the basement with shelves to put extra canned goods to keep was another. Read More.
The Portable, Off-Grid 3D Gigalab Can Turn Trash Into Treasure
With a facility the size of a small shipping container, Re:3D lets communities recycle their junk into useful products right on-site. Read More.
How to Prepare for Food Shortages, Hard Times on a Shoestring Budget: Preppers’ Advice
Most people don’t bother to prepare for uncertain times until it’s too late. It’s the “ant and the grasshopper” parable written on a human scale. Read More.
Smart water bottles may be useful for some, but most can skip them
A smart water bottle can help you track how much water you consume on a daily basis, and nudge you to drink more if you're lacking. However, they're not a necessity for most consumers. Read More.
Farmers DESPERATE As Supply Chain Collapses! This Is An EMERGENCY, Prepare Now!
Josh Sigurdson reports on the collapse of the supply chain as farmers desperately plea for understanding as their costs go through the roof on top of the supply chain crisis due to gas prices. Read More.
5 Ways To Improve Your Air Quality
Air filters usually don’t get talked about, but your air quality is one of the most important things you need in your home. If you’re staying in a tiny house or don’t have the room to install an air purifier, these seven ways to improve your air quality may come in handy. Read More.

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