How To Find Preppers In Your Area

For preppers trying to form a prepper group for mutual support when SHTF hits, finding like-minded individuals with whom you could start building a local network of preppers can be challenging.

Since preppers and survivalists need to exercise good OPSEC to avoid the wrong people becoming aware of their preps, it is challenging to connect with other preppers in the area.

Like most challenges, this can be overcome with a little effort and determination. I have gathered a few ways to make these connections without overexposing yourself and keeping your OPSEC tight as a drum.

How To Approach Potential Preppers

Approaching someone that you suspect is also a prepper can be a challenge. Most preppers exercise good OPSEC and therefore are unwilling to divulge too much information about their preparedness plans and supply situation.

The best way to approach the subject is to voice your concerns about local disasters such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornados, wildfires, etc.

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