Editors’ Prepping Progress
To be prepared for a crisis, every Prepper must establish goals and make both long-term and short-term plans. In this column, the SurvivalBlog editors review their week’s prep activities and planned prep activities for the coming week. These range from healthcare and gear purchases to gardening, ranch improvements, bug-out bag fine-tuning, and food storage. Read More.
A Cover Up Of Epic Proportions Is Happening In East Palestine, Ohio
If you want a perfect example of how corrupt our system of government has become, just look at the massive cover up that is going on in East Palestine, Ohio right now. Federal, state and local officials are telling the public that everything is just fine when everything is obviously not just fine. Read More.
Compact Power To Go – Part 2, by J.M
The next item to consider is a portable USB battery, frequently referred to as a USB power bank. These range in size from a little credit card-sized 2500mAh up to massive power bricks with over 60,000mAh. Read More.
6 Places You Can Go Dumpster Diving For Your Prepper Stockpile
pileFor a long time, dumpster diving carried a stigma. It was looked down upon and considered something only the starving would do because they had no other options. Read More.
Great Depression Foods We Will All Be Eating Again Soon
The 1929 stock market crash led the country (and the world) into economic catastrophe. For more than a decade, people worldwide struggled to put food on the table and acquire the necessities of life. Read More.
A Real Risk of Food Shortages
A fire at an egg farm in January, killed 100,000 chickens, in the midst of already high egg prices. This raised concerns that prices would climb still higher. In reality, it will probably have a very minimal impact, considering there are roughly 50 million hens working overtime to supply us with commercially laid eggs. Read More.
How to Start Seedlings in Repurposed Plastic Bottles
Start with clean water, soda, or other plastic bottles or milk cartons. Friends, family, and organizations will be happy to save them for you all year just for asking. Read More.
How To Build A More Resilient Homestead – Tips for resilience
The future is unpredictable, and we cannot forecast natural disasters such as storms, earthquakes, droughts, or terrorist attacks. Climate change is causing increasingly noticeable effects, and interest in resilience is increasing rapidly, especially in coastal areas that are most vulnerable to sea level rise and storm surges. Read More.
So, Will an EMP Destroy Electronics That Are Off?
A powerful EMP event is one of the most devastating things that could possibly happen, and more worryingly also one of the most likely in the pantheon of super disasters. Read More.
Is it Legal to Live in a Camper in Your Backyard
Campers and RVs have exploded in popularity in recent years for several reasons. For one, campers and RVs allow people to explore new places and experience different cultures without ever having to leave the comfort of home behind. Read More.
Buying a Wood Stove: Cautionary Tales for Thrifty Shoppers
With winter well underway here in Canada, I had a cozy fire going in my little wood stove last night. It warmed the eco-cabin nicely, and I enjoyed sitting by it and relaxing in the late evening before going to bed. Read More.
Surviving natural disasters: How to prepare for 5 extreme weather events
Preppers know that extreme weather should be taken seriously, especially if they live in a state that is often subjected to bad weather. While they may be used to natural disasters common in their state, others they have yet to encounter may still pose a threat. Read More.
3 Month Emergency Food Supply List: 90 Day Food Storage Essentials
I’m not going to lie or sugarcoat things. Preparing for a disaster does require money. However, it probably doesn’t cost as much as you think. There are three main ways that you can go about stockpiling emergency food... Read More.
How to Store Water for Emergency Preparedness
A top priority for emergency preparedness is water storage. Clean, safe drinking water is absolutely critical for survival. What is the best way to store water for emergencies? What containers are best for water storage? How do you treat water for long-term storage? These are all important questions to understand to ensure you have a safe supply of drinking water when disaster strikes. Read More.
Lake Powell Water Level Stagnates Despite Rain
Unusually wet weather has spread through Utah and Arizona this week. But the rain and snow have done nothing to raise the water level that is currently at a record low in the nation's second largest reservoir. Read More.

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