A Real Risk of Food Shortages

A fire at an egg farm in January, killed 100,000 chickens, in the midst of already high egg prices. This raised concerns that prices would climb still higher. In reality, it will probably have a very minimal impact, considering there are roughly 50 million hens working overtime to supply us with commercially laid eggs.

This also reignited concerns from 2022 about food factories burning down. The real count of just how many of those there were may never come to light, but I’ve heard figures anywhere from 20 to 95. Sadly, there seem to be many who are more interested in making those who think something has actually happened out to be conspiracy theorists, than to find out the truth about what has been happening. I’m sure that these aren’t the first food factories to burn down; but I can find no real data on just how many typically burn down in a year.

Adding to the confusion are rumors that President Biden was recorded as saying something that has been interpreted as the government was going to artificially create food shortages. This sounds like conspiracy theory stuff, especially considering that there’s still an active war between Russia and Ukraine, both big food and fertilizer producers. The impact of that war is being felt around the world. And don’t forget, we’re still not fully recovered from the shortages caused by COVID.

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