What To Do If Martial Law Is Declared: Survival Tactics Explained

When called for, Martial Law is declared to allow the military to restore law and order during unmanageable social crises. It is applied only as a last resort to rescue a government system at the edge of collapse. 

Since you can’t control what is happening under Martial Law, it is important to arm yourself with the necessary survival strategies. These strategies will strengthen your physical and mental capabilities to cope with the stringent administrative measures imposed by such rules.

But before we get to the survival strategies, let’s first evaluate how Martial Law affects ordinary lives.

When Is Martial Law Declared?

This law is activated if one or more of the following events happen:
  • Large-scale terrorist attacks, such as biological or nuclear warfare
  • Unmanageable social unrests, riots, and protests
  • A war between countries
  • Economic breakdowns, such as the Great Depression
  • Military coups 
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