The Best Food For Your Layers

A varied and nutrient-rich diet is essential for producing high-quality organic chicken eggs. Fresh, clean water at all times and ensures that their food is free from any harmful chemicals or additives.

A diet high in protein, vitamins, and minerals increases layers' egg production and quality. For example:

  1. Organic feed: Organic chicken feed is free from synthetic additives, and it contains a variety of grains, seeds, and legumes that provide the chickens with essential nutrients.

  2. Fresh fruits and vegetables: Feeding chickens fresh fruits and vegetables is a great way to supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals. Some good options include leafy greens, carrots, sweet potatoes, and berries.

  3. Grains: Grains such as oats, barley, and wheat are a good source of energy for chickens. They also contain important nutrients like fiber and protein.

  4. Insects: Chickens are omnivores and enjoy eating insects like mealworms and crickets. These provide a great source of protein and are also a fun way to keep the chickens entertained.

Overall, to ensure that the eggs are of the highest quality, it is important to feed the chickens a healthy and balanced diet. Many of these items can be found in table scraps that otherwise would be thrown in the trash. Save your scraps and save some money. Your chickens will appreciate the varied diet and your pocket book will thank you for the savings on feed. 

farm fresh eggs by Becca Paul is licensed under Unsplash

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