Survival Electricity: How to Make and Store Electricity When SHTF

America runs on electricity — and it’s not easy to survive long term in the modern day without it.

Major Disasters Can Knock Out Power For Several Weeks

Recent hurricanes in Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico resulted in massive power outages and Puerto Rico’s entire grid was knocked out. FEMA has been overloaded and local resources have been unable to cope with the massive destruction. In a national emergency, nuclear attack, or even worse an EMP from an enemy attack or CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) from the sun, the recovery might take months or even years. Never mind the loss of communications but the danger to health from no refrigeration, loss of medical facilities and overall halt to most of daily life’s most common elements would spread the damage on an unheard of scale. A national and societal collapse would follow quickly.

That is why you, me, and everyone else that may be taking steps to prep should include energy storage and energy generation on their list of survival tools for a catastrophic or extended disaster.

Surviving A Long Term Power Loss

Surviving a power loss means being ready to supply your own needs. Having stockpiles of long shelf life foods, medical supplies and a means to power working personal devices like smartphones and tablets are absolutely essential. For a list of basic survival foods see Top 10 Survival Foods to Stockpile and Top 10 High Calorie Survival Foods. These can be your “Survival shopping checklist”.
No-Electricity by is licensed under flickr

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