Picking the Best Survival Knife: Reviews of our Top Fixed Blade Survival Knives

When it comes to selecting survival gear, one of the most important pieces of gear in your preparedness arsenal is going to be your knife. A good survival knife is worth its weight in gold and finding the right one shouldn’t be a decision that’s taken lightly.

Unfortunately, the internet has made it even harder on preppers and preparedness minded people to find the right information. In fact, a majority of the reviews or web pages you will find promoting the so-called best survival knives are nothing more than cleverly crafted sales pages written by people who have zero experience with survival, and even less experience with the knives they are talking about.

With that in mind, we wanted to share our real-world experience with our readers and take a deep-dive analysis into what you should be looking for when selecting a knife. We’re also going to look at the top survival knives that are currently on the market. Every knife in this article is something we have used, and many of them are knives that we personally carry when we go out into the field.
Survival Knife by is licensed under commons.wikimedia

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