If You Have This On Your Property, Hide It Immediately

There are many items in relation to prepping that we would want to conceal from outsiders. For example, food, water, survival gear, weapons, gold, silver, or even a survival garden are all things that we would want to keep hidden from view.

The reasons we want to hide these types of items can vary, but we often just want to prevent anyone from stealing what is rightfully ours. In addition, we also want to avoid having anyone dropping by to borrow our equipment for their needs.

Of all the items we would want to conceal, I believe that backup power systems are one that we should be taking a lot of time and consideration in hiding.

Therefore, what I will talk about here are several types of backup power systems that we will want to shield from the prying eyes of our neighbors and passers-by.

Solar Panel by is licensed under flickr

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