Girls and Guns 101: How To Teach A Female Firearms Newbie To Shoot

Girls and Guns 101

The world is a far more dangerous place than it was when many of us grew up. Guns became more stringent as violent crimes rates soared in cities across the country. Common sense gun laws are now replacing both concealed carry and open carry regulations in many states, and women are lining up to learn how to defend themselves – and their families.

Women, especially young women, are choosing to exercise their Second Amendment rights and buying guns in record numbers. There are two primary reasons which seem to have motivated women to learn how to shoot – or improve their skills and get a concealed carry permit: refusal to be afraid and ever become a willing victim and, especially for twentysomething women –  to protect their own littles ones.

Public school boards in many states have finally listened to the citizens of their respective communities and allowed trained teachers (which are still primarily women) to arm themselves to protect the students in their charge.


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