Dehydrate Spinach and Make Spinach Powder

Have you wanted to learn How To Dehydrate Spinach To Make Flakes Or Powder? If you’re like me, sometimes I have some spinach hiding in the back of the refrigerator that I forgot about.

Yes, I freeze it in small bags but I only have so much room in my small freezer. I dehydrated some Kale and it worked out great for smoothies. Of course, dehydrating spinach or kale is not going to be delectable for a salad, but for smoothies it’s great.

This post was first written in 2015, but I wanted to update the images and the information. Dehydrating food and making powders is so fun to do and can add some unique items to your storage with a little longer shelf life!

First of all, I must tell you I didn’t cut off the large stems because I was too lazy. I’m not going to cut off hundreds of stems. Nope, nada. I took two containers of spinach from Costco that weighed one pound each. I had never looked at the weight so I just laughed when I realized they only weighed one pound each. Anyway, because I didn’t single-layer the spinach totally flat I had to do two batches.

Spinach Powder by is licensed under flickr

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