Best Self-defense Tactics for a Woman

Among the most remarkable skills for a female prepper, self-defense tactics surely maintain a special seat. In a SHTF scenario, in fact, we may be required to ramp up from a state of vigilant alert to a combative one in a matter of few seconds. For this reason, Self Defense Tactics require the very maximum of us: attention, commitment, and physical/mental preparation.

They require commitment and dedication, but being prepared for the worse starts just outside our doors. And, sad but true, sometimes even inside the home.

Preparedness is a state of mind, way before our body. But physical features such as being tiny, slender, and skinny are a pure matter of fact. As I do personally correspond to these traits, I can honestly tell you I exactly know what I am talking about.

This article does not aim to be a motivational one, but instead provide valuable considerations and suggestions on how to face a potentially dangerous situation by improving your self-defense skills.

Surely no one likes to be a victim or to be considered one. For this reason, we need to understand how to reason, train, and react in correspondence to our bodies, skills, and the weapons we could use. Let’s take a look at self-defense tips for a woman.
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