11 Types of Survival Fire for Every Situation

Knowing how to create a fire is one of the most necessary survival skills. It will serve you well in every aspect of life, whether lighting the charcoal grill for holiday burgers and hot dogs or a life-or-death situation.

What you may not know is that not every fire is right for every circumstance. By learning the differences, you can build a fire in any situation, and you’ll never be without a flame when you need one.

Types of Fires

There are three main uses for fire:

Warmth: A tepee shape or lean-to design directs heat in a specific direction.
Cooking: A small and hot ember base maintains a more consistent heat.
Signaling: Any fire can do this, but the larger the better for ready visibility.


Survival fire by Staff Sgt. Vernon Young Jr. is licensed under flickr

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