10 Easy Steps for Getting Out of Your Prepping Comfort Zone

One of the best byproducts of a lifestyle of personal readiness is the confidence that it lends you. Once you have been prepping long enough, you feel like you are ready for anything and that there is no disaster, no mishap, no emergency, and no attack that could possibly befall you or your family that would lead to harm.

That why most of us begin prepping in the first place, is to attain that confidence.

However, and I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news here, but that mindset might well lead to the opposite outcome from the one you’re wanting.

We all want to be ready and indeed we can become ready, but as soon as we start feeling like we are truly, totally ready we need to treat that as a warning sign, like that check engine light popping up on our prepping dashboard.

This is because the moment that you get comfortable as a prepper, believing that you are truly ready for anything and that nothing can accost you, you have fallen victim to complacency, and as we all know complacency often paves the way for disaster immediately after.
prepper camp by is licensed under pexels

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